Monday, June 15, 2009

After work Belgians

I had an exam today, then work straight after. Time for a beer!
Belgians make my favorite beers in the world. Their styles are gutsy, unique and can get pretty out there. So I popped in to Metro New World after work and picked up a Delirium Tremens (8.5%), and a Leffe Brune(6.5%).
This is also an excuse to use my Belgian beer glasses...
I have a thing with glasses, I've gathered a pretty good collection over the last year thanks to regionals. Whenever I buy a new branded glass, I must drink the beer it is intended for from it before any other brew touches it. My Delirium Tremens is a virgin, so I'll pop her cherry tonight.

But first is Leffe Brune, which I haven't had in a while. Lets see what my palate makes of it now.

Blurry photo courtesy of my shit camera

As you can see, this one pours quite dark. But when held to the light it is a beautiful deep ruby colour.
A sweet aroma, with a lot of Belgian yeast character. Some herb is there, and a nice caramel underlying. Not too complex a nose, but very nice.
This ones got a classic Belgian character to it, bit of clove, coriander, sweetness. It's actually a bit too sweet for my tastes. Caramel chases the other flavours and brings the candy sweetness. It is saved somewhat by a quite strong bitterness near the finish.
Now that it's warmed a bit (probably at 8-10°c) the roast malt is poking through a bit, and balancing out the sweet. Much better.

Now for the beer which wins the BEST BOTTLE IN THE WORLD EVAR award: Delirium Tremens.

Why pink elephants?? Marching alligators? Pink dragons sitting on yellow balls? I don't know! All I know is that all this madness contains one of my favourite beers in the world.
It pours an orangey golden colour, with a big smooth head. This is indicative of the bottle fermentation, which also produces a bit of sediment in the glass. Sediment is okay in a Tremens in my experience, and can improve some aspects of the beer.
Aromas are strong, and plentiful. Coriander is quite strong, clove is there, candy sugar, orange peel and maybe even some apple?
Flavour is massive, I always forget how amazing this beer is. There is a quite strong spice note, which I have not found in any other beer. There is a significant fruitiness, starting with mandarin peel, then to apple as it mingles with other flavours. It is quite warming in the mouth, with a very full texture. A hint of the 8.5% ABV is there, and the finish is warm and spicy with a slight astringency.
This beer is so complex that everyone will have a different interpretation of it, but this is mine. At least it is tonight.

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